terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2009

Há vida em Marte? Entrevista do Project Camelot a Richard C. Hoagland, ex-membro da Nasa

Richard C. Hoagland (AKA: Dr. Dick Hoaxland) is a reputable Astro-Archaeologist and physicist specializing in Hyper-Dimensional physics. He has fought diligently to uncover NASA's secret MasonicFace on Mars. ties. However, he is most famous for uncovering our secret origins, as revealed by the Face on Mars.
Hoagland began his career as a television "expert" who sat under legendary CBS anchor Walter Cronkite's desk as he added fake voices and sound effects to NASA's early space missions in the 1960's. He explained to Cronkite the complicated space docking procedure several times at a Houston motel. Richard C. Hoagland had been a highly respected NASA consultant until he discovered the truth. He is also a highly reputable physicist who's specialty is hyperspace and hyper-dimensional geometry. Related to this is his ability to forecast future events using the tetrahedral geometry just like his friend, Lyndon LaRouche. He is also takes credit for the the discovery of Angstrom Metal , which he has possession of in his home (it is illegal for anyone else to have this unless they are authorized by Hoagland (see: Moon Rocks). He was also friends with Gene Roddenberry and it is documented that Star Trek was actually Richard's idea. He also invented Arthur C. Clarke (let me repeat - HE invented Arthur C. Clarke!), and his work inspired 2001: A Space Odyssey, and both where inspirations for Stanley Kubrick's two films: 2001: A Space Odyssey and Eyes Wide Shut. The "Masked Ball" scene was based on Arthur's adventures in Sri Lanka, which did NOT involve boys, just porn stars. But most of all, he is a fearless, uncannily accurate investigative reporter who has discovered mankind's true metaphysical origins in space.

Há vida em Marte? Há muito mais do que isso. Nesta entrevista, Richard C. Hoagland, ex-membro da NASA, conta-nos a história que não nos contam as entidades oficiais. O seu livro Dark Mission rapidamente se tornou um best seller. Se estamos à espera que a NASA nos revele a verdade... Como diz Jason Martel: NASA significa Never A Straight Answer.

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